Jan 8, 2012

Do Not Use Paper & Plastic Flag - Respect National Flag

A national flag is symbol which represent country and there is no restriction for flying flag of own county. Indian national flag we usually called it as "Tiranga" is horizontal one with deep safron , white and green. Flag has one "Ashok Chakra" in middle with blue and navy blue color having 24 spokes like wheel. Its flag of freedom for every individual. The flag is based on the "Swaraj" flag, flag of Indian National Congress designed by Pingali Venkayya and is made up of khadi.

Each of the three colors in our Tricolor has a special significance. The saffron stands for courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation. The white, is meant for purity and truth. While the green is for faith and fertility. The navy blue wheel in the center of the white band signifies which denotes continual progress of the country and its blue wheel signifies the continuity of the nation's progress which is deemed to be as boundless as the blue sky above and as fathomless as the deep blue sea that keeps its hands and feet washed.

Indian flag is symbol of respect and pride. We used to fly this flag on Independence day (15th August) and Republic Day(26th January). People used to buy this flag every year and there is big selling of flag every year. This flags made up of either plastic or paper. People used those flag on this two days and shows their love, pride towards nation by pin up flag on shirts or putting them on vehicles with such enthusiasm.

On the very next day of this two days we used to watch them in dustbin, or on roads, or elsewhere; which we cant imagine on 15th August & 26th January. Question is where is your love and pride for our flag after this two days. Definitely our flag used to go to dumping ground where they burn garbage so our flag is also.

Official regulation states that the National flag must never touch the ground or water, be used as a table cloth or draped in front of a platform, cover a statue, plaque, cornerstone etc.

Is it not responsibility of every indian to respect our national flag or to give honor to our national flag? Its individual responsibility to give proper respect or honor to our national flag.

Lets pray now and from now onwards every individual will respect flag in following ways:
1. Do Not Use Paper & Plastic Flags
2. Do Not Pin Up Flag On Shirts.
3. Take Care Our flag Is Not Trampled Upon Road Or Do Not Let Flag Touch Ground.
4. Do Not Use Flag As Table Cloth.
5. Do Not Let Flag get crumpled.

Lets Respect & Lets Ask Others To Respect Our National Flag.

Jan 1, 2012

New Year Celebration In India

We always want to celebrate the days with one or another purpose so we have started celebrating one more day and its "New Year Celebration" since few year back.

Welcoming new year is observed annually on December 31, the final day of any given year in the Gregorian calendar. In modern societies, New Year welcome is often celebrated at social gatherings, during which participants dance, eat, consume alcoholic beverages, and watch or light fireworks to mark the incoming year. This eve mainly celebrated in western countries and we follow this celebration in our country. An occasion like this in which people can have lot of fun and enjoy one more day in their life apart from their daily hectic jobs or hectic life. This is wonderful occasion when we welcome something new in our lives.

There is no such a restriction for celebrating the day; but there should be some limit while celebrating. People should have to understand meaning of celebration. New year celebration in India is just having drinks with friends and screaming on road welcoming new year. Driving on road when drunk. Every year we hear some accidents news on 31st December or news like misbehavior of some group with women, murder cases in drunk; specially in India. Many youngster celebrate this day drinking too much and this things happened in such a situation. Is it really works in India where we have such a good tradition or is it not a step to break our tradition while following western culture.

Question is, is it really necessary to have this celebration outside of home. Can't people celebrate this day with their family in their home itself or in home premises to avoid such things or they will get help if the things goes wrong with them. There is no celebrations says to create some bad situation in public place and to make environment peace-less.

On this eve, people should have to celebrate it properly without creating such noise & misbehavior towards other and they should have to preserve Indian culture. There should be lightening on everyone life on new year. So have a safe, fearless, happily move from one year to another. May all of your resolutions (except the ridiculous ones borne of misplaced guilt) become true. 

Lets celebrate & lets others do ........... !!!